Make Effort for this Deen.
IKHLAAS.COM is a Muslim production company that hopes to bring love and peace in a modern climate of animosity, islamophobia, racism, through thoughtful and good-hearted content for Muslims and non-Muslims alike. Catering to the ummah, we offer a variety of media, content, and products for Muslims of all ages to enjoy, comfortably identify as a proud Muslim, and sincerely build within themselves Islam, Imaan, and Ihsaan. Make Dua for our success! we hope you support our efforts!
How does it feel? When sometimes you’re walking and someone looks at you strangely? Or in your class when people laughed about a belief that you hold dearly. Or when people make fun of this or that about your look. How did that feel? It didn’t feel good to us. We grew up in New York City, the most diverse city in the modern world, and we still faced animosity towards us. We have all of us collectively met many many people who thought of us as other—whether hidden or outright—we were tried by this just like other Muslims.
So what did we do each time? We just held our heads low, shaved our beards, loosen our hijabs, acted out, argued between ourselves, went to places we shouldn’t have, saw things that hurt our souls, and said things we couldn’t take back. Why did we do that?
One day we realized slowly and surely that we could just instead be proud. Be proud of our heritage, of our legacies, of who we are. We could carry our values with honor. We could pray with our heads in submission in public, but proud of our Islam. We could smile at every misguided person, and show them the love in our hearts and the goodness of our Iman. We realized the power was with us all along.
Imagine the feeling of peace in your heart that you can simply exist, smile, live, laugh, love, travel, do, and be as you are, with your all our Islamic values, for here on. We’re here to tell you can! How? Make Allah #1 in your life, and everything else will follow. JUST BE MUSLIM! That’s what we want to inspire. That’s what we want to make easy for you and everyone. Support us. Join this movement.
The Final Prophet ﷺ continued in the same narration: “Imaan (Faith) is to believe in Allah, His angels, His books, His messengers, the Last Day, and to believe in providence, both its good and its evil.” To hold beliefs true in our hearts and actions is necessary to be a Muslim. Moreover, our third goal in this process is to help increase ones firmness towards the faith, through understanding and learning the faith. To be good to others and show them the character of our Prophet ﷺ. And to hold the Beauty of Islam high and honored in their lifestyles!
Rasullullah ﷺ in a highly famous Hadith said, “Islam is to witness that there is no God but Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, to establish Salah, to give the Zakat, the fast of the month of Ramadan, and to perform pilgrimage to the House if he is capable of travel.” Among the tenets of our faith, these are the highest requirements of being in a Muslims. Islam is to surrender your will to the Will of your Creator. This submission is the first step. A Muslim always looks at oneself as simply submitting to the Will of The One Creator. To inspire this in others, the confidence that we work for others to gain, helps them feel ready to follow our faith with increased dedication! Ultimately, to become better Muslims!
The Final Prophet ﷺ continued in the same narration: “Imaan (Faith) is to believe in Allah, His angels, His books, His messengers, the Last Day, and to believe in providence, both its good and its evil.” To hold beliefs true in our hearts and actions is necessary to be a Muslim. Moreover, our third goal in this process is to help increase ones firmness towards the faith, through understanding and learning the faith. To be good to others and show them the character of our Prophet ﷺ. And to hold the Beauty of Islam high and honored in their lifestyles!
At last, The Messenger of Allah ﷺ stated, “Excellence is to worship Allah as if you see Him, for you do not see Him but He certainly sees you.” Ihsaan is of the highest levels of faith one can achieve! This is ultimately what every Muslim wishes to gain in their status. Achieving this is no easy task. The people of Ihsaan go out of their way to accrue high rewards and gain the pleasure of their Creator. They pray at night and help those around them during the day. Our efforts work to ultimately help every Muslim see that they have the resources and abilities to achieve this. We ask that Allah counts you and us from the People of Ihsaan! Ameen!
“Oh Son of Adam! If from the beginning you have patience and hope for My pleasure and My reward, then I will not be pleased for you with anything less than paradise.”
— Hadith Qudsi